🍛 Diabetes Diet Bot - AI-Based Dietary Assistant for Type 2 Diabetes



Secondary tool

Langchain, Gradio, Huggingface


AI in Healthcare

📚 About the Project

📌 Overview

DiabetesDietBot is an AI-powered chatbot developed by Syed Faizan for Mysore Medical College and Research Institute as part of a research study on how chatbots can assist doctors and medical students in recommending predefined diet plans to patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

The bot leverages Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)FAISS vector search, and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo to provide personalized diet recommendations based on patient profiles, such as:

  • Age (e.g., 40s, 50s)
  • Dietary Preferences (e.g., Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian)
  • Caloric Requirements (e.g., Low, Moderate, High)

It uses a dataset of structured South Indian meal plans extracted from a PDF database to generate optimized diet recommendations.

🚀 Features

  • ✅ Personalized Diet Plans – Generates meal plans tailored to user inputs.
  • ✅ RAG-Based Search – Retrieves relevant meal plans using FAISS for similarity search.
  • ✅ Gradio UI – Interactive chatbot interface for ease of use.
  • ✅ Secure OpenAI API Integration – Uses GPT-3.5-turbo for intelligent responses.
  • ✅ Customizable Meal Database – Works with preloaded PDF meal plans.
  • ✅ Optimized for South Indian Diets – Designed for diabetes-friendly traditional meals.

📂 Project Structure

📦 DiabetesDietBot
├── 📜 app.py # Main Gradio-based chatbot UI
├── 📜 rag.py # Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) implementation
├── 📜 rag2.py # Alternative FAISS-based text processing
├── 📂 db_mealplans # FAISS vector store for meal plan retrieval
├── 📜 .env # Environment variables (OpenAI API key)
└── 📜 README.md # Project documentation (this file)

⚙️ Setup Instructions

1️⃣ Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/your-repo/DiabetesDietBot.git
cd DiabetesDietBot

2️⃣ Install Dependencies

Ensure you have Python 3.8+ installed. Then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

3️⃣ Set Up API Keys

Create a .env file in the project root and add your OpenAI API key:


🛠️ Technical Details

1️⃣ Text Extraction from PDFs

The meal plans are extracted from MealPlans.pdf using PyPDF2:

from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
reader = PdfReader("MealPlans.pdf")
text = "\n".join([page.extract_text() for page in reader.pages])

2️⃣ FAISS-Based Retrieval

The extracted text is embedded using OpenAIEmbeddings and stored in a FAISS vector database:

from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS

embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vector_store = FAISS.from_texts([meal_plans_text], embedding=embeddings)

3️⃣ Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

When a user inputs a query, FAISS retrieves top 3 most relevant meal plans:

docs = vector_store.similarity_search(user_input, k=3)
meal_suggestions = '\n\n'.join([doc.page_content for doc in docs])

4️⃣ Gradio Chatbot UI

A user-friendly Gradio-based chatbot interface allows interaction

🎨 Gradio UI Preview

The chatbot has a minimalist UI with meal plan visualization.

Users can input preferrences And receive a tailored meal plan optimized for Type 2 Diabetes.

🥗 Diabetes Diet Bot – Evaluation Summary 🍽️

The Diabetes Diet Bot was rigorously evaluated using RAGAS (Retrieval-Augmented Generation Assessment Score) metrics to assess the relevancycorrectness, and semantic similarity of the responses generated by the model.

** 📊 Evaluation Metrics

MetricDefinitionScore (Avg.)
✅ Answer RelevancyMeasures how relevant the bot’s responses are to the user’s questions.0.9629
🎯 Answer CorrectnessEvaluates the factual accuracy of the provided information.0.8276
🔗 Semantic SimilarityAssesses how semantically similar the bot’s answers are to the ground truth.0.9481

🍱 Detailed Results per Query

User QueryAnswer RelevancyAnswer CorrectnessSemantic Similarity
What is the meal plan for a Male in his 20s who is vegetarian with high caloric needs?0.97440.62470.8987
Suggest a meal plan for a Female in her 40s who is vegetarian with moderate caloric needs.0.91920.90500.9101
Provide a meal plan for a Male in his 60s with meat-based diet and moderate caloric needs.0.97110.86970.9790
Suitable meal plan for a Female in her 70s with meat-based meals and low caloric needs.0.98620.86980.9790
Meal plan for a Male in his 50s who is non-vegetarian with moderate caloric needs.0.95960.86900.9759

🚀 Key Insights

  • High Relevancy: The bot consistently provides meal plans tailored to the user’s requirements, maintaining high relevancy across all queries.
  • Strong Semantic Similarity: Responses closely align with ground truth, reflecting accurate understanding of dietary needs.
  • Areas for Improvement: Slight dips in correctness for high-caloric vegetarian plans suggest potential enhancements in nutrient-specific recommendations.

📅 Future Enhancements

  • 🔹 Expand Meal Database – Include more regional & international diabetes diets.
  • 🔹 Nutritional Analysis – Provide macronutrient breakdown for recommended meals.
  • 🔹 Voice Interface – Integrate with speech recognition for accessibility.
  • 🔹 Doctor’s Portal – Allow medical professionals to curate and modify diet plans.

📥 Sample Bot Response

Query: “What is the meal plan for a Male in his 20s who is vegetarian with high caloric needs?”


Day 1:

  • Breakfast: Ragi porridge with mixed nuts and dates, banana
  • Lunch: Brown rice, sambar, mixed vegetable curry, curd, roasted peanuts
  • Snack: Chana chaat, coconut water
  • Dinner: Whole wheat dosa, palak dal, cucumber raita

📌 Conclusion

The Diabetes Diet Bot demonstrates exceptional capability in generating personalized meal plans with high relevancefactual correctness, and semantic precision. Its performance makes it a reliable assistant for dietary consultations, particularly for diabetic and health-conscious individuals.

Note: Evaluation results were generated using RAGAS and logged with Weights & Biases (WandB) for comprehensive performance tracking.

📜 License

This project is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.

👨‍⚕️ Developed By

🛠 Dr. Syed Faizan
📍 Mysore Medical College & Research Institute
🔗 LinkedIn

For collaborations or research inquiries, feel free to reach out!