💰 Maximizing Profit: Optimization Model for Inventory Management


Excel Workbook

Secondary tool

Excel Solver


Business Analytics

📚 About the Project

This project focuses on optimizing inventory levels for a northern hardware company planning to expand operations by opening a distribution center in the southeastern region. By leveraging linear programming, the project identifies the optimal quantities of four products—pressure washers, go-karts, generators, and water pumps—to maximize profits while adhering to constraints on budget, warehouse space, and marketing requirements.

🔍 Key Objectives


  1. Develop and Solve a Linear Programming Model:

    • Maximize net profits by optimizing inventory levels.
    • Ensure adherence to budget, space, and marketing constraints.
  2. Conduct Sensitivity Analysis:

    • Assess the impact of budget and space changes on profit.
    • Determine thresholds for selling prices and inventory levels.
  3. Provide Actionable Insights:

    • Recommend strategies to improve profitability and operational efficiency.

🚀 Tools & Techniques


  • Primary Tool: Microsoft Excel (with Solver)
  • Key Techniques:
    • Linear Programming Optimization
    • Sensitivity Analysis
    • Shadow Price and Allowable Ranges Evaluation

📊 Key Results


  • Optimal Inventory Levels:
    • Pressure Washers: 0 units
    • Go-Karts: 155 units
    • Generators: 238 units
    • Water Pumps: 119 cases
  • Total Monthly Profit: $142,050.70



  1. Increase Budget:
    • Allocating an additional $428.8 increases profit by $239.04.
  2. Expand Warehouse Space:
    • Increasing space by 6,078 sq. ft. boosts profit by $23,350.07.
  3. Adjust Selling Prices:
    • Pressure washers should only be stocked if the selling price is raised to at least $280.07.

📂 Project Structure


. ├── Data/ │ ├── Maximizing_Profit.xlsx ├── Analysis/ │ ├── Solver_Model.xlsx ├── Visualizations/ │ ├── Sensitivity_Charts.png ├── Reports/ │ ├── Maximizing_Profit_Report.pdf ├── README.md

📜 Full Report


For a detailed analysis, refer to the full report:
📄 Maximizing Profit Report

🤝 Connect with Me


Feel free to reach out for feedback, questions, or collaboration opportunities:
LinkedInDr. Syed Faizan

Author: Syed Faizan
Master’s Student in Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Excel Workbook and the Report of the Analysis