This project focuses on optimizing inventory levels for a northern hardware company planning to expand operations by opening a distribution center in the southeastern region. By leveraging linear programming, the project identifies the optimal quantities of four products—pressure washers, go-karts, generators, and water pumps—to maximize profits while adhering to constraints on budget, warehouse space, and marketing requirements.
Develop and Solve a Linear Programming Model:
Conduct Sensitivity Analysis:
Provide Actionable Insights:
. ├── Data/ │ ├── Maximizing_Profit.xlsx ├── Analysis/ │ ├── Solver_Model.xlsx ├── Visualizations/ │ ├── Sensitivity_Charts.png ├── Reports/ │ ├── Maximizing_Profit_Report.pdf ├──
For a detailed analysis, refer to the full report:
📄 Maximizing Profit Report
Feel free to reach out for feedback, questions, or collaboration opportunities:
LinkedIn: Dr. Syed Faizan
Author: Syed Faizan
Master’s Student in Data Analytics and Machine Learning
© 2025 Syed Faizan. All Rights Reserved.