🧠 mindBERT - Mental Health Text Classification






Generative AI in Mental Health Care

📚 About the Project

🧠 mindBERT – Mental Health Text Classification

🚀 Overview

mindBERT is a transformer-based model fine-tuned for mental health text classification. It utilizes state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to detect various mental health conditions from textual data. The model is trained on the 50,000 sentence mental health state labelled dataset and achieves high accuracy in detecting stress, depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, and anxiety.

👉 Try it here: mindBERT UI

📌 Features

  • Fine-tuned BERT model for mental health classification
  • Trained on real-world mental health text data
  • Achieves high accuracy on validation
  • Optimized for inference and deployment
  • Interactive UI available on Hugging Face Spaces

📊 Training and Evaluation Results

📉 Training Loss and Learning Rate Progression

Training Loss & Learning Rate

EpochTraining LossValidation LossAccuracy

📈 Evaluation Metrics (Loss & Accuracy)

Evaluation Results

🖼️ Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix

📊 Dataset Label Distribution

Dataset Labels

  • Final Accuracy: 93.39%
  • Loss increased slightly after Epoch 4, indicating potential early stopping.
  • Stable learning rate scheduling for optimal convergence.

🔧 Model Architecture

mindBERT is built using Hugging Face’s transformers library, leveraging BERT-base as a pre-trained backbone. The classification head consists of a dense layer followed by a softmax activation for multi-class classification.

🛠 Training Pipeline

The model was trained using PyTorch with the following configurations:

🔧 Training Parameters

training_args = TrainingArguments(
    output_dir="./results",          # Output directory for results
    evaluation_strategy="epoch",     # Evaluate once per epoch
    save_strategy="epoch",          # Save model at the end of each epoch
    learning_rate=2e-5,              # Learning rate
    per_device_train_batch_size=16,  # Batch size for training
    per_device_eval_batch_size=16,   # Batch size for evaluation
    num_train_epochs=5,              # Number of epochs
    weight_decay=0.01,               # Weight decay strength
    logging_dir="./logs",            # Directory for logging
    logging_steps=10,                # Log every 10 steps
    lr_scheduler_type="linear",      # Linear LR scheduler with warmup
    warmup_steps=500,                # Warmup steps for learning rate
    load_best_model_at_end=True,     # Load best model at end of training
    metric_for_best_model="eval_loss", # Monitor eval loss for best model
    save_total_limit=3,              # Limit checkpoints saved
    gradient_accumulation_steps=2,    # Simulate larger batch size
    report_to="wandb"                 # Report to Weights & Biases

🖥 How to Use

To use mindBERT for inference, follow these steps:

from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
import torch

model_name = "DrSyedFaizan/mindBERT"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Sample text
text = "I feel so anxious and stressed all the time."
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True)
with torch.no_grad():
    logits = model(**inputs).logits
    prediction = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1).item()

labels = ["Stress", "Depression", "Bipolar", "Personality Disorder", "Anxiety"]
print(f"Predicted Category: {labels[prediction]}")

📌 Future Improvements

  • Fine-tune with larger datasets (e.g., CLPsych, eRisk)
  • Expand label categories for broader mental health classification
  • Deploy as an API for real-world applications

🔗 Explore the app UI here: Hugging Face Spaces

🚀 mindBERT – Advancing AI for Mental Health Research!