🧠 Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST




Convolutional Neural Networks


Computer Vision

📚 About the Project

🚀 Overview

This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for classifying handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset. The model is trained using supervised learning and achieves high accuracy through convolutional feature extraction.

✨ Features

✅ Built with PyTorch – Uses PyTorch for defining and training the CNN.
✅ Uses MNIST Dataset – Standard dataset of handwritten digits.
✅ Convolutional Layers – Feature extraction using Conv2d.
✅ Max Pooling – Reduces spatial dimensions and prevents overfitting.
✅ Fully Connected Layers – Maps features to digit classes (0-9).
✅ Training & Evaluation – Tracks accuracy and loss metrics.
✅ Confusion Matrix – Evaluates misclassifications.

📦 Installation

To set up the environment, install the required dependencies using:

pip install torch torchvision numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn

📊 Dataset

The MNIST dataset is automatically downloaded via torchvision.datasets. It consists of 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images, each 28×28 pixels in grayscale.

🏗️ Model Architecture

The CNN consists of:

  1. Convolutional Layer 1: 6 filters (3×3 kernel), ReLU activation
  2. Max Pooling 1: 2×2 pool size
  3. Convolutional Layer 2: 16 filters (3×3 kernel), ReLU activation
  4. Max Pooling 2: 2×2 pool size
  5. Fully Connected Layer 1: 400 → 120 neurons (ReLU activation)
  6. Fully Connected Layer 2: 120 → 84 neurons (ReLU activation)
  7. Output Layer: 84 → 10 neurons (Log Softmax for classification)

🏃‍♂️ Usage

🎯 Training the Model

Run the following script to train the model:

python cnnmnist.py

📈 Evaluating the Model

📌 Results

The model is evaluated based on:

  • Accuracy: Percentage of correctly classified digits.
  • Loss Curve: Tracks training and validation loss.
  • Confusion Matrix: Highlights misclassifications.

📊 Accuracy & Loss Plots

Training and Validation Accuracy Training and Validation Loss

🔄 Confusion Matrix

A confusion matrix is generated to analyze misclassified digits.

🔗 References

📖 PyTorch Documentation
📖 Torchvision MNIST Dataset

📜 License

📝 This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it!